Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Exercise can be fun!!

First off, I would like to start off my saying I lost a total of 60 pounds!!!  Not since my surgery day but since I started my weightloss journey in Nov.  46 Since my surgery!  

Yesterday was a pretty good day. It has been beautiful here in PA, so I took advantage of it. I took my son outside. At first I didn't feel like doing anything, but he was bugging me to kick the soccer ball back and forth so out of guilt I agreed. To my surprise..I actually enjoyed it! And, I wasn't too winded, that was until about 15 minutes later, lol. Hey it was start. I played soccer from middle school through high school. It seems as if my son inherited my long lost love of soccer. Anyway, If I could do this even a few times a week, it could be beneficial. It occurred to me kicking that ball around, exercise didn't have to be dreadful. I could, believe it or not, enjoy it! Maybe this was the turn around I needed. I, as of late, had been feeling down on myself because my weight hadn't been coming off as fast as I had hoped. I know port of which had to do to to me not exercising enough. Like I said the other day. I was doing everything the Dr said not to do. I am hoping I feel better later today so I can make it outside again. I woke up with a wicked migraine. I didn't even take my monster to preschool. Which would have given me much welcomed peace. But I couldn't even drive. And trying to wake up the other half was a waste of time. He sleeps like a bear deep in hibernation. 
My other goal today is to try to order seamonkey supplies.  As you read in my intro, I do have seamonkeys.  Well they are supposed to be my monsters, but I of coarse end up taking care of them and being interested in them so I am taking claim of them.  They are pretty cool ass things though.  I will post a pic of them later.  One thing I will say is that they like to... can I put this politely...  3 of them are pregnant.  I had to transfer them to a hermit crab tank.  But the only pain in the ass is that you have to get the food either online, mail order, or fax.  All from the same company, but it is alot cheaper to do it mail order or fax.  I am cheap so I am doing it by fax.  Before these poor things run out of food.  Which they claim is supposed to last 1 year...Right, if they have no babies.  I have had these things since Christmas and already and almost out of food.  I am buying 3 packets of the crap.  
Well.  I guess that is all for today.  XO

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