Monday, March 12, 2012


Ok. So I hate protein shake mixes with a passion. Truth be told I don't get my protein in because of this. I am in need of some sort of alternatives. Tonight I'm gonna explore my options with greek yogurt. I also have to start taking my supplements. It's not even a good taste bad I just forget. piss poor excuse I know. I have to get my ass in gear because next time I have my labs and I don't feel like getting chewed out by my nutritionist and surgeon. It seems like I'm doing everything that they said not to do. I feel like I'm not losing weight fast enough. I've read stories about people that lose weight just fall off. For me I lose a pound almost everyday but looking at me you can't really tell. You can tell in my ass and boobs that's about it. The 2 places I wanna keep it, figures. when I started my weight loss journey I was 283. the day of surgery I was 269 on january fourth 2012. Currently I am 225. at 5ft2 that puts me at a bmi of 41. considering when I started I had a bmi of around 50, I guess it's not that bad.

1 comment:

  1. Hey girl... I know a lot of ladies who can't stand the taste of protein shakes, but perhaps I can make a suggestion. Look into a decent Unflavoured Whey Protein powder...something that has no flavour, but you can add it to yogurt, soups, sauces,etc... it gives you that protein boost, without changing the flavour of what you are cooking. This is a trick that really saved me in the beginning stages when I was recovering and didn't tolerate too many foods yet. You'd be surprised how much protein you can get in this way. 1 tablespoon of the unflavoured protein powder I use, equals 15 grams of protein! I use Isopure brand...and it blends really well.. you can't even taste it. Good luck & keep trying, you will get there!
